The Development and Benefits of Urban Agriculture

Nature Times Explorer
Credit: Unsplash

Urban Farming has the potential to produce crops with higher yields than traditional farming. The cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and other plants in urban places is described as "urban farming," and it is also known as "urban agriculture." This method of agriculture has gotten a lot of fascination over the past some years, and particularly for a good reason. There are several advantages to this method of agriculture for local communities as well as individuals in urban regions.

One of the main advantages of urban cultivation is that it can offer city residents healthy and fresh food. A fresh natural product can be hard to reach in various urban areas, specifically in low-income localities. By providing inhabitants with fresh agricultural products in the form of fruits and vegetables that they might not otherwise have access to, urban farming can provide the best solution to this problem. The Urban Agriculture Network organized a study that realized that agriculture in the urban region can enhance an inhabitant’s approach to fresh food products by as much as 20%.

Furthermore, urban farming can increase the well-being of city residents as a whole. A study published in the American Journal of Public Health discovered that residents of urban areas having more green space, like community gardens, are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure, obesity, and other health crises.

Not only the urban agriculture system can benefit communities’ health and well-being but also provide the sources for a sustainable environment. Similarly, this technique of farming in urban regions can reduce the volume of land used for agriculture and the need to transport food and urban agriculture can assist a city to reduce its negative footprints of carbon generated by various businesses and transports. 

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Additionally, communities can also harvest socio-economic benefits from urban farming and improve their financial conditions as well. Building and structuring a sense of community and keeping close people to each other can be facilitated by urban agriculture initiatives such as community gardens. Inhabitants of low income, in particular, may benefit from the various potential projects for job creation and economic opportunities through urban agriculture. The American Community Gardening Association has conducted a study that regained the reality about agriculture methods for urban areas projects which have the potential to create an average of ten green jobs per acre.

Regardless of the abundant benefits of urban farming, there also exist some issues which must be determined. Frequently urban areas lack the open spaces and resources which are necessitated for farming which is one of the main barriers. The available land in many cities is limited and frequently the land price is increasing with excessive demand and urbanization. In addition, many urban areas have a deficiency of suitable infrastructure and particular resources that are necessary for urban farming, like equipment, machinery, tools and irrigation systems. It is a reality that urban farming can be more costly than conventional farming, it is also another problem and the urban farm may be hindered by additional zoning laws and guidelines that urban farmers may have to observe.

 Although existing of these hurdles urban farming looks like a promising way to deal with many of the problems that urban areas face today. Urban agriculture can make a substantial contribution to the development of a future that is more sustainable and equitable by supplying city residents with fresh, healthy food, augmenting their overall health and wellness, reducing the city's carbon footprint, and bringing about social and economic benefits.

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